Where the body and spirit move...

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Embody Your Movement - Love the Body You Live In!

On today's Alive! Bodies in Motion show, I had a great conversation with Eric Franklin; dancer, movement educator, author and founder of the Franklin Method. We discussed how we can use one simple tool to feel better in our bodies. Imagery! It's portable, we don't need any equipment and it costs us nothing! And yet, by playing with it, especially in the things we do everyday like walking, sitting, standing and even breathing, we can quickly begin to feel better in our own skin!!

Eric outlined a couple of simple principles for us. An image works when it is a clear picture. Whatever you are imagining - see it, feel it, even smell it! It must be a vivid image, full of rich detail. When the image is vivid and meaningful to you, your body will respond. 

We get better at what we do most of the time - so play with things that you do regularly. We take 20,000 breaths a day - but when was the last time you practiced enjoying the breaths you take?  Feel the freedom of your gait as you walk, enjoy the ease in your shoulders as you work at your desk. You can use imagery anywhere, anytime!

Eric has some wonderful aphorisms that he uses in his training:
~ Embodying function improves function.
~ Balanced mobility creates stability.
~ Don't solve problems; experience solutions.
~ If you want to change your body, first change your mind.
~ Your flexibility is only as good as your alignment permits.

And my personal favourite...
~ The best image is the one that discovers you.

Change your thoughts to change your body!!
You can hear my interview with Eric Franklin on Alive! Bodies in Motion on VoiceAmerica's Health and Wellness Channel.

1 comment:

Lauren C said...

Great stuff! I was about to read this on my trip to Chicago. So glad I found a great Chicago moving company!